Hey There,
Welcome Back!
Today I'm going to share all the details of Parker's nursery with you! I'm sure if you follow me on Instagram you've seen small things shared here and there but I'm excited to give you one spot to check out all the wonderful detail of his room! Everything has been finished since before he was born, but I always had this idea of creating a tone on tone pattern made with wood behind his crib, and that project we just finally finished up last week! SO now his nursery is OFFICIALLY finished! Hope you enjoy this post, and I hope it brings you some great inspo if you're designing a nursery for your little one. On this post HERE is my Registry Must Haves, HERE I share my hospital bag check list and HERE I talked all about how I created an inspiration board and how I made all of my ideas for his nursery come to life without the stress, hassle, or breaking the bank!

Behind the scenes of how we get Parker to smile for pictures.

Links to everything in his room are below!
Dresser: His dresser sells out so fast all the time so I've found it at a few retailers you might be able to grab it while it's in stock.
Play Area:
Reading Area:
Dresser Decor:
Crib Area: