Hey Guys! I wanted to do a quick post on the 108 Wanderlust Fest that was here in Portland, OR. It was seriously so much fun. I wasn't sure what to expect since it wasn't one of their longer events. This event was only for the day. I was so impressed, It's the perfect event for someone starting to run, meditate, or practice yoga. It gives you the basics to see what it's all about and also a great way to test out if you want to splurge and go to one of their bigger weekend events. Of course it was Portland so it RAINED! Rain or shine, I still do #yogaeverydamnday It's all about having the right mindset and making every situation into an adventure and a great time. "Life is what you make it!" Anyways, I know you guys were wondering how it turned out and what the event was all about so I wanted to post a link to a video of some Ryan and I made and at the bottom will be some more photos of the event. I figure if the event turned out this great when it was pouring rain, I can only imagine how fun it would be when it's perfect weather and the shine is shining!
Love You Guys!
Hope you enjoy the video and leave below in the comments anything you would like to hear from me next! Maybe you want to see more videos? Let me know! <3
XO Micah