Hey Guys, Welcome Back!!!
This post has been a long time coming and THANK YOU sooooo much for being patient with me while I get it all written out! I know you guys have been antsy to make a DIY rainbow wall in your home so now you can get started asap! Hopefully this posts helps with creating the same look as ours, show you exactly what colors and supplies we used and our tips for how we saved money on paint! We also have a YouTube tutorial at the
bottom so scroll down to check it out!
Let's get to it!

Paint Colors We Used For The Rainbow: Most requested question, I'm so glad you love the colors we choice as much as we do! We wanted to not go with the traditional rainbow color scheme and go for more peachy pink tones, I love how it turned out!
Step 1: Determine what colors you want to paint your rainbow. I went to our local Home Depot and spent a bit of time in the paint swatch aisles searching for the perfect color scheme! I love what we ended up choosing, it turned out perfectly and looks so good in all lighting. I didn't want to pick too light of colors so that they wash out in the day light and you can barely see them, or too dark of colors so that it looks too harsh against the white walls. These colors definitely are winners, they looked so good at all times!
How We Saved Money: I asked for a sample container of each color and that was plenty for Sophies wall which is 10ft wide and 7 1/2 ft tall. I only used about half of each container of paint and we saved a ton on paint by doing it this way, so I highly recommend if your wall is similar in size to just grab sample size containers of your paint.
Shop The Exact Items We Used: If you want to place an order online you can click on each item (I have found the exact paint sample sizes we used for only $3.98 each!) and you can just add each item to your card for curbside pickup at your local home depot to make it super convenient! I've also added links to the the paint brushes and painters tape we used if you need to add that to your order also! We grabbed a few of these paint brushes so that we can just paint the whole rainbow in one shot and not have to wait for the one paint brush to dry after cleaning it for each color.
Tap of each image to shop products we
used to create this rainbow wall!☟
I have numbered the paint swatches for you so that you can match it with the following diagram photo below to paint the rainbow exactly how we did!

Here is the diagram for the paint colors. We decided on 6 rainbow curves and we painted the #1 color twice, once on the very outside and once on the inside and I think it worked really well to tie all of the colors in together.

Watch Our YouTube Tutorial HERE!
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